The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice an addition to the website. We've added a "video" page! The idea behind this was to invite early supporters and friends of the studio in to perform live in session. With the help of the amazing folks at Purplebox, we filmed the results and we'll pop them up for you to enjoy over the coming weeks. Check them out here!
13 Crowes have been back in to record some nice alternate and unheard acoustic material to form part of their European vinyl re-lease of their "Dividing Line" EP. Homebound Records, if you're listening, please send us one!
Despite working equipment needing regular "TLC" all year round, January is typically the month for a great deal of the behind-the-scenes work. Repairs, modifications, PAT testing, and general TLC all take place to keep our gear in tip-top shape for our clients. We also have a panchant for buying interesting old (and often broken!) pieces of equipment - an army of fallen angels that we've been getting fighting fit in the last couple of weeks. We've been racking some old 1970s Neve console modules for use as microphone pre-amps within our modern hybrid set-up. They feature the old St Ives Windings (eventually ending up as Carnhill, who still use the same site in St Ives, Cornwall) "green can" transformers of the 54 series, DECCA era, Neve gear. They sound fantastic. Full of body with a smooth, round, top end. We just put a new speaker into the WEM clubman too and it sounds fantastic. The small 10" speaker gives us yet another option when tracking guitars. It's not for every project, but it excells in some!